Friday, August 19th 2016
Hanging Squat Snatch 3/3/3/3/3
Build up in Weight
Partner WOD
10 Hanging Power Snatch
10 Double Unders
8 Min Amrap
**add 10 double unders every round*
Sub 30 singles for every 10 doubles (yes, 3 for 1!)
Score = total double unders
Coach’s Tip: The weight on the snatch should be something light you can move fast. Spit the reps however you want but you should be able to do at least a set of five for the earlier rounds. This becomes a jump rope workout very quickly, so use this as practice for your doubles! If you are not proficient in doubles, really try to go for it. We can scale volume (increments of 5) to make it more attainable for the newer double athletes!
Thomas showing nice extension on a heavy clean! This guy is turning into quite the BEAST!