Friday, July 30th, 2015
So who’s in for Sunday’s Filthy Fifty workout celebrating Andrew M’s 50th Birthday? If you haven’t read the blog this week, we are doing a special WOD at 11am Sunday and all are welcome! If you haven’t emailed his wife Amelia yet ( feel free to let one of the coaches know you are coming. We would love to have you… we just want a headcount for any food and drink!
Our push press cycle will be coming to an end soon and we can’t wait to see what sort of PR’s are coming. Looking back at our last strength cycle of cleans we made some amazing improvements as a box. Those athletes that tested the 1 RM at the beginning of the cycle and at the end we saw an average improvement of 23 pounds for the men and 12 pounds for the women. Some highlights included Julie J. having a 40 pound improvement, Mark W. jacking his clean numbers up by 60 pounds, and Josh H. moving from 185 pound clean to a huge 235 pound clean. Great job everyone.
Another partner wod tomorrow. Don’t get scared by the rope climbs, we have plenty of scaling options for those not comfortable with the exercise.