Friday, March 6th 2015
We’ve been talking about it all week and the anticipating is building. Our second gym-wide “Friday Night Lights” CrossFit Open workout starts at 7:30 PM. All are invited to come do the workout, judge and/or cheer — or just have a beer. Last Friday was a blast and we hope to dial up it more tomorrow! This year’s open is unique in that they are now offering a scaled and RX workout. Which one is right for you? Only you can answer that question. If you will be psyched getting a round of toes-to-bar or your first 115 pound snatch then maybe RX would have been a good choice last week. If you wanted to push yourself hard and see how you stacked in the scaled division that is a great choice. The point is that you can’t lose with either one, just enjoy the workout, push hard and support each other. The workout will be released tonight at 8:30ish (you can see the announcement at live at 8p), so come back to the Daily WOD shortly to see what is in store for tomorrow!
CrossFit Games 15.2 Open Workout
Sara just seems to love the Open 15.1 workout. What will she think of 15.2?!