March 19th, 2020
We can’t tell you how many calls and emails we’ve gotten saying how much the workouts, posts and photos are keeping people connected and sane. Once again, this community is taking care of each other in ways we never thought possible. It’s simply amazing.
ALL of this is possible because of you. You have agreed to continue to support us (not just by posting and sharing laughs) but financially keeping us alive during this crazy time. In the last 24 hours we had members reach out to us that had been on hold saying they want to come back. That they want us to be part of their lives long term, and if it means helping now, they insist. We’ve been emotional for a long time now, but this was so overwhelming — but in the BEST way. This will allow us to not only pay the bills that will continue to come in regardless of closure, it helps protect us so we can be here when this is all over. We PROMISE to pay it back to you in spades. Yes, with unwavering support and unrivaled community, but with upping our game in any way we can. We promise we will make it up to you somehow.
Tomorrow we continue with another day with lots of ways to stay connected and to get fit!!!! Here are your choices!
- Watch and do the pre-recorded workout with Coach Katie (see below). Thanks to a great suggestion by Meredith, we have added closed-captioning to the YouTube version (just press the “CC” button!
- Tomorrow’s ZOOM broadcasted class (meaning, one you can log into and participate LIVE) will be at 9:30am with Coach Maria! This workout will also be archived so we you can replay it at any time.
- We will be doing another meet-up at NOON Cypressmede Park. The schools have closed their facilities so we are moving to a restricted use park. We should be easily be able to run and finish the workout six feet apart! Bring water and a yoga mat! The address is 3100 Fawnwood Dr, Ellicott City, MD 21042
1 mile run
50 V-ups
50 Burpees
*If Equipment is available: sub out V-ups for any of the following:
50 TTB or 50 Hanging Knee Raises
3 rounds
15 reverse snow angels
6 Pushup into Down Dog
Today’s workout with Coach Katie