Monday, May 2nd 2016
To that end, we WILL be doing a men’s night soon (so stay tuned for more details) but wanted to alert you to two big events happening here at the Cove in the near future.
THIS SATURDAY, MAY 7th we will be hosting the CF4CF Competition for Cystic Fibrosis. As a result the gym will be closed for regular classes. We have numerous Cove athletes competing so come on down and cheer them on! Depending on when the competition ends, we may hold an Open Gym period from 4p-6p on Saturday. Sunday will be Open Gym as usual from 9a – Noon.
MONDAY, MAY 30th (MEMORIAL DAY) will be our big “Murph” event. The Hero WODs are named after people who have given their lives in the line of duty. Their purpose is to remind us to not only remember their sacrifice, but to get us to think outside of ourselves. “Murph” is a Hero WOD named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. He was 29, of Patchogue, N.Y. Lt Murphy was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after his death.
Lastly, some of you have asked “when is Chris Franey coaching? I haven’t taken his class in a while”. Or “when is Josh on? I need to hear some yelling”. While this is definitely subject to change, here’s a look at the coaching schedule for the week:
8 Minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
3 Hanging Power Cleans
3 Hanging Power Cleans
6 Burpees Over the Bar
9 Sit Ups
5 Rounds for Time
(12 Minute Time Cap)
5 Front Squats every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
Even: 10 Burpee Box Jumps (Scale # if needed)
Odd: Max Wall Balls
Fitness: 14/20
RX: 20/14
Coach’s Tip: We did a similar strength section last week (6 reps every 2 minutes). Today we drop a rep and want you to go heavier than last week. Focus on good breathing to keep that chest upright and fight to keep those elbows up.
Girl Power! Three of our female coaches ensure our ladies are all warmed up for their pull ups. For some, it was their first time hanging from the bar!