Partner WOD! On the lookout for Team EFF-IT!
We love a good Partner WOD, but we also know everyone doesn’t love it like we do. There was a recent post on FB about the pressures some put on themselves to “not let their partner down”. At the Cove, there is no such thing. We see people post scores with 100% effort in the comments (and we love that)… and now we’re seeing posts about 100% eff-it for Partner WODs. It’s about giving all the effort AND not giving a f@#k. LOVE THIS TOO! In fact, keep your eye out for Melissa G. and Rich S. donning some new themed attire!
10 Floor Press
10 Skull crushers
4 Rounds
30 Seconds KB Swings
20 Seconds Slam Balls
10 Seconds Assault Bike Cals
For 14 minutes
One person starts on the KB Swings and the other is ready by the Slam Ball. As soon as the 30 seconds is up partner # 2 starts on the Slam Balls. Then Partner one gets on the Assault Bike. You start as the clock hits 50 seconds (30+20) then partner # 1 gets by the KB Swings as soon as partner #2 is done the assault bike. This way you are constantly rotating through the stations. It will require some thought… but EFF-IT if you screw it up!
THESE pics show what a partner WOD should look like...