A key ingredient to creating great classes at the Cove is our programming. It provides the structure and template to have not only safe and fun workouts but a long-term path to improved health and fitness. For the past 3 years, we have been following the programming of the mad genius Daniel Park. He has provided us with some of the devilish and ingenious workouts that have not only pushed us but also put smiles on all of our faces. Daniel gave a fresh perspective to our programming after replacing another great programmer, Geo Rockwell of CrossFit Federal Hill. In our desire to continue to provide constant variety we have decided to make another pivot in our programming to find a different perspective.
After looking at multiple options, we decided to follow the programming templates from CompTrain. CompTrain workouts are very similar to our current workouts but just approach them from a different angle. They are classic CrossFit workouts that are both challenging and sadistically fun. Look for more dedicated strength and skill pieces in our programming coupled with classic CrossFit workout. We also will have more dedicated cycles on specific aspects of CrossFit (lifts, movements,etc) as well as hitting more benchmark workouts. Although change can be scary, we see this as a great opportunity for all of us to grow together.
Boys on bikes