Thursday, April 8th, 2015
More strict pull ups! Yes, it’s vital for shoulder health and is going to help us get those kipping pull ups.
Tomorrow’s metcon is a real fun one. Get intense for those two minutes of work and really try to calm yourself with that one minute of recovery so you are prepared to go hard again.
5 Strict pull ups with a 3 second hold at the top of each rep
15 Banded pull a parts
4 Rounds
In Two Minutes
9 Push Jerk
15 Sit ups
Max Calories on the Rower
Rest 1 minute
5 Rounds
Score = Total Cals
Fitness 95/65
RX 135/95
RX+ 155/105
We have a sign outside that says “CrossFit For All”… and we mean it. Phil’s 68 year-young mom learned to lift properly and crushed the dead lifts!