Tuesday, May 19th 2015
We know this sounds odd writing it ON THE BLOG, but please be sure to READ THE BLOG every day! Even if you’re not coming in… even if you don’t want to know the workout… at least read the top part as it’s tool we use to communicate key member information. Events, coaching tips and all community news are published here. We post this at 8PM daily, so set your alarms for 8:01, give it a quick scan and we promise you’ll be in ‘in the know’!
To that end… yet another reminder of our big weekend events coming up!!!!
Thursday ALL DAY: 30-Day Challenge Re-Test
Time to see what kind of progress we’ve made in 30 days (actually, slightly less than 30 days). So, eat a sweet potato or banana an hour or two before and come on in! We’re betting we see some improvements in both strength AND speed even though its just been over three weeks!
Saturday at 10am: WOD With Warriors
We will be doing an event with Team Red White and Blue. Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity. We are honored to be hosting the “WOD with Warriors” and hope you will ALL come and support them! Please sign up on FB for the event HERE or on the white board at the gym!
Monday at 10am: Hero WOD “Murph”
The Hero WODs are named after Heros who have given their lives in the line of duty. Their purpose is to remind us to not only remember their sacrifice, but to get us to think outside of ourselves. “Murph” is a Hero WOD named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. He was 29, of Patchogue, N.Y. Lt Murphy was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after his death.
The details of this event are HERE or on the white board at the gym. Please sign up so we know you are coming and have enough food. We’ll have a BBQ afterwards so if you bring a side, we’ll bring the meat!
Power cleans 5/4/3/2/2/2
All three sets of 2 at the same weight
Then add 10 to 20 lbs and do 3 clean pulls x 3
(Should take about 20-25 minutes total)
3 Power Cleans
6 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Rounds
Time cap 10 minutes
Fitness 95/65
RX 135/95
RX+ 155/105
Katryna rocking the double unders with great form…