Wednesday, May 19th, 2015
Great work on the cleans today. We’ve just started the cycle and we are already seeing gains due to technique improvements and overall strength increases. Wednesday’s workout is a throwback to the 2014 Open so if you participated then, check your score to see how you compare this go around!
We are approaching the end of the 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge! Thursday we will re-test the workout (jerks, box jumps and running). If you can’t make it on Thursday, talk to one of the coaches and we will figure out a make-up time.
And don’t forget to sign up for WOD with Warriors or Murph on the Facebook page or on the Whiteboard!
Max effort set of Chest to Bar Pull Ups
20 PVC Shoulder Pass Throughs
20 OHS with PVC
x 3
Score = Total Chest to Bar Pull ups
14.1 Open Workout
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches
10 min AMRAP
Fitness 45/35
RX and RX+ 75/55
What a week we have planned! Special thanks to Lacey for bringing in a great group of women from the Fort Meade chapter of “No Excuse Moms”! They’ll be back tomorrow for the 9:30am class…