Yesterday we saw some amazing lifts to conclude our front squat strength cycle and we are super excited to see what might happen tomorrow as we are hitting our 1 rep max push jerk! One of the things that we are most proud of yesterday was not the weight lifted yesterday but rather the improvements in depth and positions by so many of our athletes. Seeing strength numbers move up is always a great thing but seeing improvement in technique is the pathway to sustained growth.
As this strength cycle closes we want to give you a bit of a programming preview of the next 8 weeks. We will be following a very similar format as to what we have done in this most recent cycle. The basic plan is Monday or Tuesday to squat, Wednesday or Thursday is a pressing movement, and Friday or Saturday is a pulling movement. The upcoming cycle will focus on back squat, strict press, and snatches. And we will follow that with another 4-week cycle of overhead squats, bench presses, and cleans.
We are going to be approaching the cycle in a similar fashion to this past cycle, hitting percentages across 5 sets at timed intervals.For example, on Monday we may see 5 sets of 5 reps of back squats using the same weight across. That would be 5 sets at 80% or slightly above your one rep max for five reps. If you don’t know your one rep max, you can certainly make an estimate from past data (Wodify can make a estimate of your 1 RM based on your past lifts). You could also use this time to establish a 5, 3, or 1 rep max so you can use that data point.
We are looking for volume in this cycle, meaning for this particular day we are looking for 25 great reps at that 80% level. If you find yourself having a day where you are feeling strong, feel free to add a little weight to those last couple of sets. And the other end of the spectrum, if you are not feeling great (stress, lack of sleep,etc.) don’t be afraid to lower those percentages. Remember we are looking for 25 great reps that day at a load that makes sense for your body at that moment. This is a template for us to follow to build strength but like all things we can make adjustments to maximize that session.
We are super excited about these upcoming strength pieces (we hope you are as well) and ask that you please post your scores in Wodify. We want these data points so we can track the gym’s progress so we can continue to provide you with an amazing experience at the Cove!
One of our newest (and obviously strongest!) members Ben.