The Cove is a family made up of people from all different walks of life. Inside those four walls, we get to connect with people outside of our bubble – different jobs, different backgrounds and different points of view. Even though we are separated physically during this very difficult time, we all yearn for those connections and cannot wait for a return to normalcy. We know that social distancing and staying home is the best way to stay safe, however, there’s another battle going on as hospitals and physicians struggle to combat the virus.
In our very own community, we have Covies out on the front lines day in and day out serving our community and putting themselves at risk in the process. There are too many to name, but we want you all to know that we see you and you have our deepest thanks. To all of our doctors, nurses, first responders and other essential workers keeping us safe – we will never take this sacrifice for granted.
From everyone here at Cove, thank you. We can’t wait to be back together again, hitting PR’s, giving fist-bumps and mopping up sweat angels soon!
Zoom class at 5:30 PM tomorrow.
At with have Coach Maria with today’s demonstration video.
5 rounds
400m Run
14 DB Snatch
14 DB Goblet Lunges
Cap: 20 min
DB weight = 50/35, 35/25
Durante Core
4 rounds
10 hollow rocks
10 V-ups
10 tuck-up
10 sec hollow hold