Wednesday, February 10th, 2015
We will be continuing on our back squat program today. Look to add a little more weight to the bar compared to last time. Don’t remember what you lifted last week? It should be in Wodify and it’s something you can find easily on the Wodify phone app.
Are you addicted to the daily wod? Do you check the site at 8 PM everyday excited to see what tomorrow’s challenge will be? Don’t worry that is actually “normal” behavior or at least us coaches thing it is normal.
Back squat
(Same weight across for RX. Build up to a heavy 7 rep for new lifters)
15 Wall balls
30 Double Unders
10 min AMRAP (as many rep as possible)
Fitness 14/10 (60 singles)
RX 20/14
RX+ 20/14 (unbroken doubles)
Chris showing great posture with his double unders
Yesterday’s wod was a heck of a test. Great job by everyone