If you did not see yesterday’s blog, be sure to check it out to see the steps we are taking to keep the Cove safe and operational during the COVID crisis. Be sure to keep an eye on the blog and all other social media platforms for continual updates.
Our primary focus is always to serve the adult athletes at the gym first and foremost. We also know that the kids’ room provides a vital resource to allow our adult population to use the gym on a regular basis. But during this time of ‘irregularity’ (as you know we are continually evaluating things on an hour-by-hour basis), we are the revising kids’ room usage to include the following guidelines.
- We are going to ask that parents use the kid’s room only if they have no other option. If both parents are home, we are hopeful you can work out shifts to minimize the usage of the room. We are trying to minimize the stress on the entire Cove staff and facility.
- No kids are allowed in the kids’ room until everyone has washed their hands.
- Kids must remove shoes before coming into the kids’ room.
- No sick kids allowed at the Cove under any circumstances.
- When the class is over the parents are to wash hands for the entire family again.
- The kids are not allowed in the main gym. Period. We know they are accustomed to playtime after class in the mornings, but we are working feverishly to keep every surface in the gym clean — and we can’t have extra hands touching equipment for safety reasons.
Like everything else, we hope this is only temporary. We cherish our little ones and love that they have a home here. But the safety of everyone here trumps all. Thank you for understanding!
“Don’t mess up”
Strength Intervals
Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds
Build to a heavy complex
1 Power Snatch
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
Coaches Marina’s Tip: I did this workout last week to test it out and it could be a new favorite! The volume of each movement is perfection! Managing your heart rate and keeping your shoulders ‘fresh’ is key to getting through the doubles in a relaxed fashion. I rushed through the first set (6 unbroken and quick burpees) and “messed up” on the rope on the first round! I went immediately back to the bar and did four snatches. Rested a hot second. Did two more. I did methodical burpees with very little shoulder work (flopped to the ground each time) and inched my way to the rope with each burpee. I took a nice deep breath with the rope in hand and felt great — and went unbroken the rest of the rounds on the rope. And that was my rep scheme the rest of the workout. Get right off the rope to the bar. Break up the barbell to manage heart rate, easy burpees and then jump! I’d STRONGLY recommend doing a single or two just to get a rhythm before going to doubles as you’ll be more tense than usual because you DON’T WANT TO MESS UP! And if you do, you’ll still have a great workout 😉
Your shoulders will be super warm after this workout and the strength work will be FUN. You might even surprise yourself by putting up numbers close to or beating PRs! Get ready for a great day!
6 Backpack Thrusters
4 Burpees
10 Lateral Jump over backpack
*load backpack to weight you can keep unbroken
Tabata (:20 on/:10 off)
4 rounds of piked pushup
4 rounds of air squats
4 rounds of up down
repeat whole sequence one more time
*up down = no pushup burpee
Karl loves his post workout shake!