24.2 IS…
CrossFit gave us another spicy workout.
We will have our normal classes throughout the day but also have a bigger “Friday Night Lights” class at 5:45 PM. Regardless if you are signed up for the Open or not, come throwdown cheer, or just look to have a great time with our fellow Cove athletes.
We are also adding a noon class for those athletes looking to get tomorrow’s workout in a little earlier.
We will also be going to the Cushwa and Rad Pies Taproom, just around the corner, for a post-Open celebration.
All are invited. Check out the Cove Private Facebook group for updates on when we should get there.
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
300-meter row*
10 deadlifts
50 double-unders
FX: 135/95
RX: 185/125
*Each row counts as 30 reps (10m = 1 rep)