Friday, December 18th 2016
Please join us for the 6:30p Friday class and stick around after for the Holiday WOD and Potluck after! Celebrate the holidays with your Cove Family and get in a great workout! Or, feel free to take an easier class (the same WOD will run all day in regular classes) and come back later for the festivities around 7:30 after the WOD! PLEASE BRING A DISH OR BEVERAGES TO SHARE. There’s nothing worse than an army of hungry athletes with nothing to eat! We want you to come… but please bring something!
For those of you familiar with this tradition, it will be a “12 Days of Christmas WOD”. Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas”, you will complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc (just like the song) – for a total of 364 reps. Again, All classes Friday will be the “12 Days of Christmas WOD” so if you can’t make it that night, you’ll still be able to tackle this awesome workout!
Here’s our (slightly) modified holiday schedule (next week through the New Year):
Saturday (Christmas Eve): Normal hours: 9, 10 and 11a class
Christmas Day – OPEN GYM XX-XX
December 26 – 30th: Normal hours
New Years Eve: Normal hours: 9, 10 and 11a class
New Years Day (Sunday) – Delayed Open Gym 11A- 2P
12 Days of Christmas
1 Burpee
2 Toes-to-Bar
3 Kettlebell Swings #53/35
4 Hang Cleans #95/65
5 Push Press 95#/65#
6 Front Squats #95/65
7 Push Ups
8 Sit Ups
9 Wall Balls #20/14
10 Box Jumps 24/20
11 Pull Ups
Please note it can be completed individually, as a team or scaled in a VARIETY of ways. Talk to your coach about how to scale for your level of fitness… it should be FUN… not brutal!
Fitness: 75/55 (25/26)
RX: 95/65 (53/35)
Coach’s Tip: We did this same WOD last year on 12/18, so if you were here, check out your times and scales as this will help you with picking out how to tackle this workout. Last year’s times ranged from 22 minutes to 40-ish minutes. We will be doing a HARD stop at 30 minutes, so please pick weights you can move unbroken for every set! This is a great WOD and has tons of movements and is meant to be FUN! For the 6:30p class we will be running more than one heat, so if you can’t get there until 7p, no worries… you can still do it! For the larger evening classes we will set up designated areas for the various equipment so you will need to move from station to station, but it shouldn’t affect your time (trust us, you will want a few seconds rest between movements!)
Warming up for last year’s “12 Days of Christmas” WOD…