Friday, July 3rd 2015
We will be open on Friday with a regular schedule despite many are observing the holiday with a day off from work. Feel free to mix it up (or sleep in if you are one of the 5:30am crew members) and hit the 9:30 or Noon!
And one last reminder that we are doing a Hero WOD on Saturday followed by a pot luck BBQ. We hope to see all of you at 11a for the WOD. Sitter coverage will be provided!
Many of you have probably noticed more skill WODs, mobility and fewer (or lighter) barbell movements in the workouts this week. Please know this is intentional as we’ve just wrapped a heavy clean cycle and have been going HEAVY with a lot of shoulder to overhead. This kind of ‘de-loading’ is really important to our training cycles as it is the secret ingredient to take your training from good to great. We assure you a week of reload like this will do you a world of good and propel you on to greater overall gains.
Strict Press 5/5/5/5/5
(same weight across)
12 Front Squats
9 Box Jumps
200 M Run
4 Rounds
Fitness 95/65
RX 115/75
RX+ 135/95
Gives “boy bands” and “girl bands” a whole new meaning …