Friday, October 9th 2015
Looking forward to a fun Partner WOD today. As always, feel free to bring any friends or family!
For those of you who signed up for the Adventure Park outing on Saturday (starting at 6p), please be sure to sign the online waiver in ADVANCE of arrival. You are required to wear close-toed shoe and with the weather looking on the chilly side, bring a sweatshirt and long pants (but something you’d be comfortable wearing a harness over). And if you want to bring other family members who don’t want to climb (and maybe take photos or laugh at you) they can come into the park for FREE! And be sure to be there a few minutes early as we don’t want to lose any time on the courses:
Shoulder Prep
Shoulder distraction with a band
7 I’s, Y’s and T’s
2 Rounds
400 M Overhead Plate Carry (alternate every 50 M)
50 Push ups (both partners work at the same time)
100 Calorie Row (switch on and off as needed)
50 Push ups (both partners work at the same time)
400 M Overhead Plate Carry (alternate every 50 M)
Fitness: 15/10 lb plate (M/F)
RX: 25/15 lb plate
RX+ 35/25 lb plate
Michelle S. looking strong in her overhead locked out position…