We’ve had a number of members talk to us about their goals, and nothing makes us happier than an athlete who has something they are striving for. There’s been an uptick in competition sign-ups (huge congrats to Mike K. and the fabulous duo of Angela and Liz for killing it at the Festivus Games this weekend!) and the gym seems to be bustling with people working on developing specific skills or building strength. Again, this is #amazeballs! And we want to support you however we can.
Coach John did a great write up on setting goals AND setting yourself up for success. Take a look at these wise words and reach out to us for help!
Question- How many gyms out there have goal walls dedicated for their members?
Answer- A lot
Question- How many of those gyms consistently update their goal walls?
Answer- Not many (in my experience at least)
Here at the Cove we are dedicated to helping our members achieve their maximum potential. Whether it’s becoming stronger, faster, losing weight, or just doing something you have never done before, we want to help. So how can we help? Well, the first part starts with you and setting a goal(s). At the beginning of the year we wrote a blog post about re-vamping our goal wall and how to set goals/where to start. If you don’t remember, here is a quick recap-
In order to give yourself the best chance at reaching your goals, each one must be SMART:
Time Bound
We also helped people direct their focus by narrowing down goals to no more than 3 at a time and ones that were able to be reached within 2-3 months (although yes, you should have more than 3 goals per year and have both short and long term goals).
Why did we want to set our goal wall up like this? Because, we want people to come in, look at their goals, and say to themselves “What can I do today to help myself get closer to my goals?” instead of “Eh, I got until the end of the year to do this…plenty of time left!” If you don’t know what you can do to help yourself, ask a coach and they can help direct you. As most of you know we offer tons of additional services to help you reach those goals including free and paid clinics (handstands, running, double unders, etc.), competitor’s class, barbell club… and of course personal coaching!
Well, my awesome people, it must be working! We have seen members constantly achieve and update their goals throughout the year. We, coaches, are constantly scanning the goal wall for updates and we take note when goals are achieved. The reason we bring this up now is that we are entering the third quarter of the year and we want to remind everyone to close out the year strong! Don’t let up on your progress just because it’s getting toward the end of the year or because the holidays are coming. We want you to keep the gain train going all year round!
Back Squats 4/4/4/4/4
(80-90%- go heavier than last week)
6 Sets of the following:
30 Seconds Max Front Squats
30 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds Max Pull ups
30 Seconds Rest
Fitness: 75/55
Performance: 95/65
Open: 115/75 (chest to Bar)
Coach’s Tip: Pour your focus into the strength portion today. The second part of the workout should be a load and progression that you can move the whole 30 seconds (maybe one break). Avoid singles on the pulls ups and instead, find a scale that allows you to string multiple reps.
Nothing make us happier than this Cove OG Andy M. walking through the doors Thursday night! Just like riding a bike (well… erg)!