It’s been so long since we have been able to sweat, smile, & have fun BUT we are going to safely bring back the good times! Just like the grown-ups things may be a little different but we will be doing what we do, the best we can to get moving & have fun!
Summers almost over and “school” is about to start back up online so let’s peel away from the computer a bit and get outside! With cooler temperatures approaching we will be having our class outside!
Treat our time like heading to the soccer field by having your kids prepared with potty taken care of and water bottle in hand. Parents we will run the class very similar to the parking lot WODS you are used to with each child having there own parking space so we have space. We are trying to avoid going inside the space at Cove so that space can remain free for open gym which would be an ideal time to get both you and your kids active and ready for the week ahead!
We are going to reconnect to movement through the basics but the sweat & smiles will be back in full effect!
Sign up for the fun!

Four Week Session
11-11:45 am
$80 (max 10)
Ages 5-10
Grades K-5
Starting date: September 12th
NOTE: For those parents that have a Cove Kids Punchcard, let us know and we can apply those funds to this round of Cove Kids classes.
1: 15 Medball Squat Cleans
2: 15 Box Jumps
3: 15 KB Swings
4: 3 Clean and Jerk
Fx: 14/10, 18/12, 35/25, 115/75
P: 20/14, 24/20, 53/35, 135/95
O: 20/14, 24/20, 70/53, 185/125
1: 10 DB Squat Cleans
2: 15 Tuck Jumps
3: 15 Single DB Swings
4: 5 DB Clean and Jerk