Tuesday, August 25th 2015
Sometimes in CrossFit we do things that look or feel… well… silly. But trust us, there ARE benefits that come with even the goofiest of movements. In our skill portion we work on the Roll-to-Candlestick as a movement that might fall into this category.
Like burpees in CrossFit, the Candlestick Roll is an essential conditioning tool in the gymnastics world. Not only does it improve your aerobic capacity, but also conditions the hollow body position (which is important for almost every CrossFit movement and landing mechanics.) It is also a great progression movement to get you to Pistols if you don’t have them. Practice the basic candlestick roll a few times, then once you’re comfortable with it, give a candlestick pistol roll a shot!
To do a candlestick pistol roll, you’re going to do the same exact thing, except instead of getting up with both feet, you’ll stick one out in front of you and use a single leg to get yourself up off of the ground.
Also please note we have some scheduling changes this week. We will have kid coverage this week for Thursday’s noon class, Friday’s 9:30 AM class and Saturday’s 9:00 AM class. For Saturday we will only be having a 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM class.
Every 2 minutes for 12 Minutes
6-8 Chin ups (underhand Grip)
3-5 Roll to Candle Stick
-No Score just for Skill-
RX+ Roll to Candle stick into a Pistol
400 M Run
20 Sit ups
20 KB Swings
600 M Run
20 Sit ups
20 KB Swings
800 M Run
20 Sit ups
20 KB Swings
22 min Cap
Fitness 26/35
RX 53/35
RX+ 70/53 (Toes to Bar for Sit ups)
Doing “Roxanne” burpees. You’ll never listen to that song the same way again…