Tuesday, March 30th
I know you are all waiting on pins and needles but we will announce TOMORROW the winners of the team competitions. Reason being,some of the team participation scores (i.e. getting the WOD done and submitted) will not be finalized until late tonight. So we figured we’d hold off on announcing ALL the category points until then.
Many of you have asked about retesting the Open WODs and whether or not your should do it. Here’s a bit more context and something you should think about for next weeks (and reflect on 16.1):
ONLY IF RANKINGS REALLY MATTER: We only recommend retesting if you think you will significantly improve your regional ranking and that matters to you. For example, if you are an elite or seasoned athlete with an established baseline (and/or can assist your gym in sending a team to regionals), you might consider retesting if you think you had reps in the tank. For example, Coach Brittany is a top level athlete and her score is important to CrossFit Federal Hill as they are trying to qualify for the games, so every rep matters.
YOUR BODY ISN’T DESIGNED TO RETEST THAT QUICKLY: Retesting a WOD within a day or two (or three) can be extremely taxing on the body– especially long ones like 16.1. There’s a reason we don’t program demanding movements like chest to bars and heavy overhead lunges every other day. They are HARD and your body needs to RECOVER. Think of it just like any other programming — if we programmed two WODs back to back with the same movements that left you sore as heck, you wouldn’t just hate us… you wouldn’t come back (because it is horrible programming). Don’t think of the Open any differently.
YOU MISS OUT ON THE DAY’S PROGRAMMING AT THE COVE: We are strategic and have a long term view of our programming cycles (whether or not you realize it!). For example, if you retested 16.1 and missed Monday’s WOD, you missed an opportunity to improve your footwork on the split jerk (our current movement focus) and build shoulder strength. You are sacrificing a long term growth goal for a short term number.
IT CAN BE MENTAL: Then there’s the mental aspect. We have seen MANY times athletes retest only to score the same (or worse) than their original time. This can be extremely disheartening and frustrating for the athlete. But we are never surprised when that happens (see point above…your body isn’t recovered!)
Does this mean you should NEVER retest a particular WOD? Heck no! We love retesting; just with adequate time in between tests so you can truly measure your fitness improvements (think “Paleo Challenge” and “Girl” benchmarks we do all the time). This is an important part of CrossFit and one of the things we love most about it. Wait a month or two (maybe when the Open ends) and THEN see if you show improvement. We bet you will!
Skill WOD
Every Two minutes for 18 minutes
First 2 minutes- 1-3 Rope Climbs
Second 2 minutes- 8-10 Roll to Candle Stick
Third 2 minutes- 10-20 GHD Sit ups
**In total you will hit each station 3 times. You should have about a minute rest between each station built in. There should be plenty of time to focus on the skill, hit the reps and move on. This should not be rushed or for time. **
Row 15/12 Cals
30 Doubles
Row 15/12 Cals
40 Doubles
Row 15/12 Cals
50 Doubles
…Climb the ladder for 9 minutes
Fitness- X2 Singles
RX- as above
RX+- DUs must be unbroken for each round
Score = Total Reps (if doing singles just double the amount of DUs)
COACH’S TIP: Go fast on the erg and focus on form and technique for the doubles. Elbows in, look straight ahead and a good solid jump. Pick one thing and perfect it then move on. Do not try to fix everything on every jump.
Mike T. might not be the loudest guy on the floor, but he’s one of the hardest working. He comes consistently, puts in 100% every time and has come such a long way. Just a few months ago his front squat couldn’t come close to this. Keep it up Mike!