One of the best things about what we do is that we are constantly evolving. We are moving better, more efficiently and finding new ways to build work capacity. Toes to Bar is something we do in WODs, but also something we’ve been working on during Skill portions.
Today we ask you to put what you’ve learned to the test. If you have one or two, focus on stringing. If you do bent legged, try for straight legged. In 16.2’s announcement, you see two VERY different styles of toes-to-bar being done. We’d argue that Dan Bailey’s version is more of a progression and that Gudmundson is what we are trying to attain. If you’ve ever seen a gymnast move, you’d note its much more similar to the guy on the right!
Go to 33:20 into the video to see a perfect view of the side by side…and here the commentary from the announcers about the different approaches:
Coach’s Tip: We have had two weeks with toes to bar in skill work. Now we put that to the test. Your toes do not need to touch the bar for this to be a successful day. A better option would be a straight leg kip with your legs getting as far above 90 degrees as possible. The important points would be maintaining a kip, holding a hollow body position on the back swing and getting your toes as high as possible. Avoid just swinging around on the bar with no control just to get your toes to touch.
Coach Chris making sure the after noon class gets… and stays… low!