Wednesday, August 5th 2015
CrossFit loves to use acronyms. You’ve probably heard this one before, but it’s a goodie. EMOM. Every Minute On the Minute. Sounds fun, right? When we program an EMOM there are a couple of goals you need to keep in mind.
An EMOM allows for a lot of work to be done in a set amount of time. We are accumulating volume, while training on specific lifts and strength endurance. Think of an EMOM as a kind of interval training. Rather than trying to knock out high reps in a row and having your power output decline, an EMOM builds in some rest in order to give you the chance to sustain 80-100% effort for the entire workout. The goal is to improve your consistency while maintaining relatively high weights. Also, unlike regular “lifting” during class, we add a timer to it, so you do not have the ability to rest too much.
While we want you to have rest, do not try to rush so much that your technique gets sloppy. Hit each movement standard perfectly and consistently.