Friday, April 14, 2017
Adjusted Open Gym Hours
Open gym from 10 AM to 1 PM
Partner WOD
____Assault Bike Cals
100 Pull ups
100 KB Swings
____Assault Bike Cals
MM- 100 Cals/ FM- 90 Cals/ FF- 80 Cals
Fitness: 35/26
RX(Performance): 53/35
RX+(Open): 70/53, C2B
Coach’s Tip: Think about solid pace on the assault bike that you can maintain for about 1 minute before you switch partners. For the pull ups be sure you are getting full extension at the bottom of your pull ups. If you can’t reach that full range of motion then talk to the coach about finding the right scale for you.
Garth, our million meter man, knows how to mobilize!