Monday February 9th, 2015
We know some CrossFit terms can be confusing to those new to the program. Check out our CrossFit to English to Dictionary for a quick and easy translation guide!
We are moving our 9 AM class to 9:30 AM to better accommodate Howard County’s school schedule. So come on in after you drop the kiddos off.
Here is this week’s schedule CrossFit1 01
- Class A Monday @ 6:30 PM (squats and presses)
- Class B Wednesday @6:30 PM (hang cleans, deadlifts, and pull ups)
- Class C Thursday @6:30 PM (power cleans and snatches)
10 minutes of Kipping Pull Ups practice
If you have pull ups down then get in three max effort sets.
RX+ Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Tabata Air Squats
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push ups
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit ups
Score Each Tabata Separately
Air Squats = 116
Push ups = 56
Sit ups= 80
Our graduates from this weekend’s CrossFit 101 classes. Welcome Sean, Jen, Elliot…
and Cheryl. Total ham or completely exhausted?